- I can continue with the series indefinitely, hoping that both the stories and characters remain fresh and engaging. After all, some of my favorite authors have done this successfully for years.
- I might conclude the series with Wanderers on the Winds, if that is the trajectory the story organically follows. Often, my plots travel in a different direction than previously planned, and with better results when Laura or Jackson make the calls.
- The series could continue, but at much longer release intervals. Most would agree that five lengthy books in two and a half years is a real accomplishment, but cannot be sustained forever.
It’s only fair to mention, I have not made up my mind yet. I should have a better idea of what is to come as I plow deeper into Book V. At this stage in my journey, I am interested in exploring new worlds and testing my reach. I have had that opportunity in the short story anthology, The Oxymoron of Still Life, and the Novella, Mechaniclism, but they were made shorter than I liked so that I could bring more SD stories to your bookshelves. No matter what I decide about the future of Laura Patton and Company, I must be true to myself and write what is begging to come out.
It’s an incredible feeling when fans eagerly ask about release dates for the Survivor Diaries books. But I also must admit that it makes me a bit anxious because it is so difficult to gauge. Sometimes story-lines take on a life of their own, and I have to follow where they lead. Other times, they present themselves and beg me not to over-write them. I still have my eye on a spring release date though.
So, what does all of this musing mean? I suppose it means that I have made no solid decisions, but that there are changes in store in the future of SD, and some yet to be titled adventures to explore. No matter what, I hope to continue to grow as an author and strengthen my voice.
Comments? I would love some feedback from anyone with opinions and/or questions.