The following is from the language of An Teanga Tionscadail, a constructed language created by the New Monte Vista Villagers to communicate around the enemy.
An Teanga Tionscadail: Irish Gaelic meaning the Language Project
biblioteko: the Esperanto meaning library
foréigean: Irish Gaelic meaning violence
gabhas: Irish Gaelic meaning blacksmith (in the MT’s house)
gaolmhara chomhghuaillíocht: Allied Alliance
ginshiki: Hausa meaning basement
gwamnati: Hausa meaning government
Hol chu': Klingon for New Language
Intenco: Esperanto meaning council
Ƙawance: Hausa meaning alliance
lu': Klingon for why not
malamiko QI': enemy army
malamiko: the Esperanto meaning enemy
QI': Klingon meaning military. It is the new army
sauraron na'urorin: Hausa meaning listening devices
uachtarán: Irish Gaelic meaning president
vengHom: Klingon for Village
An Teanga Tionscadail: Irish Gaelic meaning the Language Project
biblioteko: the Esperanto meaning library
foréigean: Irish Gaelic meaning violence
gabhas: Irish Gaelic meaning blacksmith (in the MT’s house)
gaolmhara chomhghuaillíocht: Allied Alliance
ginshiki: Hausa meaning basement
gwamnati: Hausa meaning government
Hol chu': Klingon for New Language
Intenco: Esperanto meaning council
Ƙawance: Hausa meaning alliance
lu': Klingon for why not
malamiko QI': enemy army
malamiko: the Esperanto meaning enemy
QI': Klingon meaning military. It is the new army
sauraron na'urorin: Hausa meaning listening devices
uachtarán: Irish Gaelic meaning president
vengHom: Klingon for Village
© Lynn Lamb. All rights reserved, 2024.