To start, shamelessly plug your books!
This Beautiful Curse: A Gothic Fairy Tale
This has been described as "Tim Burton meets Dr. Seuss." If you love creepy tales that read like a children's book, but was written for grown ups, and contains fantastic illustrations and imagery, you'll love This Beautiful Curse!
Find Me in Heaven
A story of soulmates who, with the help of guardian angels, find one another online only to die together when they meet in person. However, death is only the beginning for the couple, as they are swept into Heaven and come face to face with obstacles that keep them separated. This is a standalone HEA that is full of plot twists and an amazing journey that shows true love can transcend anything, even the entire universe.
Rest in Peace Roz: The R.I.P. Series, Book 1
Roz is a young woman who has lived her entire life neglected and abused by drug-addicted parents. However, all that changes one night when, during a terrifying assault, Roz is saved by a spirit named Jimmy.
You describe yourself as a multi-genre author. Which genres do you write in? Which is the most challenging?
I call myself multi-genre because I can't ever seem to decide on one. I love reading all genres, so why not write all of them as well? Currently, I have written Gothic fairy tales, contemporary romance/fantasy, and YA paranormal. I also have a Dystopian romance in the works! So far, the most challenging has been the Dystopian romance, because it takes place in a time that we, as a people, haven't seen yet. At the same time, it opens up a lot possibilities because we haven't experienced that time yet.
You have a new release out: Rest in Peace Roz: The R.I.P. Series Book 1. Which character most resembles you? How?
I'm a single mother of 6, so I would have to say Bonnie Walters, Roz's foster mother. She's a true nurturer. She's also eclectic, spiritually open, always positive, with a great big heart and a head full of crazy hair.
What is the hardest obstacle your main character has to overcome?
There are many obstacles for Roz, but probably the hardest one for her to overcome is her past. Her mother is a drug addict and because of that, she has an inner sense of worthlessness which, although is never mentioned directly, is very much present. Her evolution during the story might be one of the most beautiful things I've ever written.
What is the message of your book?
It has several messages, but my favorites are: Family doesn't have to be biological; hope can be shown without words; and true love can overcome almost anything, even death.
If you were stranded in a foreign country, what three things would you want with you and why?
1. My phone, because if I ever make it to a foreign country, I'm going to need pictures! 2. Unlimited resources, because if I'm stranded in a foreign country then I'm going to shop like crazy and eat all the food! 3. My children, because we could make it into an amazing adventure none of us would ever forget.
Find out more about Author Kris Johnston:
Thanks for the interview!
This Beautiful Curse: A Gothic Fairy Tale
This has been described as "Tim Burton meets Dr. Seuss." If you love creepy tales that read like a children's book, but was written for grown ups, and contains fantastic illustrations and imagery, you'll love This Beautiful Curse!
Find Me in Heaven
A story of soulmates who, with the help of guardian angels, find one another online only to die together when they meet in person. However, death is only the beginning for the couple, as they are swept into Heaven and come face to face with obstacles that keep them separated. This is a standalone HEA that is full of plot twists and an amazing journey that shows true love can transcend anything, even the entire universe.
Rest in Peace Roz: The R.I.P. Series, Book 1
Roz is a young woman who has lived her entire life neglected and abused by drug-addicted parents. However, all that changes one night when, during a terrifying assault, Roz is saved by a spirit named Jimmy.
You describe yourself as a multi-genre author. Which genres do you write in? Which is the most challenging?
I call myself multi-genre because I can't ever seem to decide on one. I love reading all genres, so why not write all of them as well? Currently, I have written Gothic fairy tales, contemporary romance/fantasy, and YA paranormal. I also have a Dystopian romance in the works! So far, the most challenging has been the Dystopian romance, because it takes place in a time that we, as a people, haven't seen yet. At the same time, it opens up a lot possibilities because we haven't experienced that time yet.
You have a new release out: Rest in Peace Roz: The R.I.P. Series Book 1. Which character most resembles you? How?
I'm a single mother of 6, so I would have to say Bonnie Walters, Roz's foster mother. She's a true nurturer. She's also eclectic, spiritually open, always positive, with a great big heart and a head full of crazy hair.
What is the hardest obstacle your main character has to overcome?
There are many obstacles for Roz, but probably the hardest one for her to overcome is her past. Her mother is a drug addict and because of that, she has an inner sense of worthlessness which, although is never mentioned directly, is very much present. Her evolution during the story might be one of the most beautiful things I've ever written.
What is the message of your book?
It has several messages, but my favorites are: Family doesn't have to be biological; hope can be shown without words; and true love can overcome almost anything, even death.
If you were stranded in a foreign country, what three things would you want with you and why?
1. My phone, because if I ever make it to a foreign country, I'm going to need pictures! 2. Unlimited resources, because if I'm stranded in a foreign country then I'm going to shop like crazy and eat all the food! 3. My children, because we could make it into an amazing adventure none of us would ever forget.
Find out more about Author Kris Johnston:
Thanks for the interview!